Your dog is always learning. The problem is - how do you get your dog to learn good habits and NOT bad habits? Dogs understand things very differently than us humans, so frequently when you are training your dog (or even when you think you are NOT) you ar
When you have gotten a new dog and you are working on training a key thing to remember is that you must always enforce the commands that you give your dog. Do not let the dog ignore you, and do not say the command over and over. If you are not going to be strong enough to enforce what you are saying, you might as well not waste your time.
Learn to understand what your dog is saying through facial expression. Many people fail to see that a dog says even though his he communicates non-verbally with his face, just as we do. When you are training your dog, take some time to see how he responds to commands, rewards and your behavior. Watching his facial expressions will be useful as training progresses and give you a better understanding of your dog.
Create a bridge between the dog's response to a command and the reward for success. By saying a bridge word such as "yes" or "good", you will reinforce that the behavior is acceptable and the reward will follow. Keep using this bridge word even after training is complete to be consistent with your pet.
Puppy chewing is a natural and necessary behavior, but it can be redirected. A puppy's chewing is one way that he explores the environment around him. Provide your puppy with clear leadership and a lot of human interaction and stimulation. Also, provide him with fun chew toys. This will help stop him from chewing on the things that he should not be chewing on.
Watch your demeanor when you are training your dog. You need to remain calm, but assertive at all times. Do not show anger or raise your voice. If you do this, your dog will require you to shout commands in order to follow them, if this is how he is trained.
Don't feed your dog food they aren't accustomed to when house training them. Very rich foods, in particular, make it hard for a dog to control their bowels. Stick to the tried and true in terms of types of food and the quantity you feed and the house breaking experience will proceed much more smoothly.
Next time your dog jumps up on you in excitement, tell them "Off" in a firm (but not angry) voice, gently push them off, and turn your back. The verbal command and action of moving them reinforces what the command means, and turning restricts their access to you. This accomplishes two things: a) your dog can't jump on you anymore, b) your dog feels he loses your attention, which is the exact opposite of what he wants. This teaches him quickly not to jump on you.
A great dog training tip is to get rid of your dog's food dish. Dogs like searching for things. They like to explore, and they like using their nose to locate goodies. By losing your dog's food dish and by hiding dog food throughout the house, your dog will become much happier.
Train you small furry friend to get along with other dogs! Small dogs need socializing too! pitbull dogs forget that their dogs need exercise and social time just like large dogs. Small breed puppies should be socialized early, so they become comfortable with many sizes and temperaments of dogs. Furthermore, they should become comfortable with walking outdoors at an early age.
Dogs often chew because they are dealing with anxiety. If you keep him in a crate and give him toys that are safe for him to chew on, your dog and your house will stay safe.
Try these simple techniques yourself in your next training session with your dog. Try as few or as many of the tips as you want. Once you have practiced and then mastered these strategies with your dog, he will become the well behaved member of society you dreamed he would be.